The integration of Studio One version 2 with Melodyne was achieved via the creation of a new plug-in extension, known as Audio Random Access (ARA). This release of the software introduced multiple enhancements, including integration with Celemony Melodyne, transient detection & quantization, groove extraction, multi-track comping, folder tracks, multi-track MIDI editing, an updated browser, and new plug-ins. Version 2 of Studio One was announced on 17 October 2011, and released on 31 October 2011 (alongside the 2.0.2 update). The final update for Studio One version 1 (v1.6.5) was released in July 2011. The first version of Studio One was announced on 1 April 2009 at Musikmesse, and released on 27 September 2009. KristalLabs then became part of PreSonus in 2009, and the former KristalLabs logo was used as the basis for the logo of Studio One. Juwan was the author of the original KRISTAL Audio Engine, wrote the specification for version 3 of the VST plug-in standard, and had also worked on multiple Steinberg products, including Cubase, Nuendo, and HALion. Kundrus was one of the developers for initial versions of Cubase, and established concepts for the first version of Nuendo. Although development for this follow-up began in 2004, it transitioned in 2006 to a cooperation between PreSonus and KristalLabs Software Ltd., a start-up founded by former Steinberg employees Wolfgang Kundrus and Matthias Juwan. Studio One originally began development under the name K2, as a follow-up to the KRISTAL Audio Engine. History Early development and release (2004–2011) 1.1 Early development and release (2004–2011).